Thursday, September 16, 2010

90lb Bream on River Trent

Had a fantastic short session on the Trent a couple of weeks back.

Arrived at 6am in muggy, dull weather. Set up the feeder rod and balled in about 12 jaffa sized balls of groundbait laced with sweetcorn.

The mix consisted of 33% Big Bream Original, 33% River and 33% mole hill soil that was behind my swim. After riddling the mix was light and fluffy, but held together well, and with the addition of the mole hill soil also had some extra weight to get it to the bottom before breaking up.

Nothing much happened for the first 2 hours. Chris who i was fishing with had had a couple of bream to about 6lb. then i had one about 5lb, but the sport was very sporadic. Bites were very slow.

Then about 10am my tip bent round like lightning and i was into the first of what was to become a big haul for a short session.

Fishing section of lobworm on the hook and using a heavy cage feeder to keep the groundbait topped up, no sooner had i set the tip when it bent round again.

In all i had 90lb of bream, all between 5lb and 8lb. ( we weighed the biggest and it was just over 8lb).

Strange thing was that Chris in the next swim, fishing virtually the same bit of water struggled to get 6 fish over the session, yet only yards downstream i was hitting the shoal on every cast.

I ran out of lobworm about half way through and had to find another bait quickly. luckily i had soaked some 8mm coarse pellet the night before and continued to catch the bream on the new hook bait.
